Phew... Today was an extremely tiring day. Sometimes I just wonder, what were in the minds of those who whipped up 15 games for one day. Some are not so tiring, but some are. Besides, the scorching sun!!! That was the worst...
Nevertheless, the day was fun despite the dehydration and burning heat. Teamwork was important, and we worked pretty well. Hehehe... Here are some of the games we played.
1> Coloured flags (brain co-ordination is important)
2> ..... bridge (don't quite remember the game's name, but everybody sleep on one another to stay up long enough... heehe.. teamwork!!)
3> Finding the committee members ( yea.. we had to sing and dance in front of so many people!)
4> Red bean and Green bean ( pick out the red with chopsticks and toothpicks)
5> ..... (don't know the name, but then we had to clip groundnuts on one person's shirt.. Well, the
person will have to dance, and let's see how many stays stuck to the shirt!!)
6> .... (don't know the name too, but you have to fly your own made aeroplane into the box...)
7> Movie guessing ( we were good....)
8> Fashion design ( you should know this one... )
9> .... (know not the name... but you have to carry the ping pong ball from one end to the other using chopsticks!)
10> Blind man's game ( well, blindfolded and fixing a puzzle according to directions given.. Well, I guess we got a monster... it was supposed to be girrafe and dinosaur!!)
11> .... (still don't know the name, but everybody will be on chairs, and we remove one by one, and everybody gets a chance to shift from one place to another.. interesting)
12> ... (also don't know the name... haha... But you have to draw a paper with a certain body part, and PASS THE BREAD WITH THAT BODY PART!!! COOL!!!! )
AND I don't quite remember what else we played.. haha.. need to refresh the memory... HEhe...
So guess we had a day of fun, and next week will be lesson week... PHEW!!! I'm nervous... Hahaha...
More wisdom or more pain?

4 days ago, I woke up to a sudden pain in my mouth and was yelling atg teh top of my voice. The pain was so excrutiating and I could hardly open my mouth to talk. If you wanna know what was going on, a wisdom tooth is growing in my mouth!!!
MAN!!! That really hurts. Because it is growing so slowly, and my gums just have to split and let the teeth come out. Now that it is not in and not out, I guess I will be suffering the pain for quite some time. Huhuhuhu... If I go on like that, I think I might go nuts.... I can't even talk properly, cause if I open my mouth too big, it hurts! Somebody help me!!
I just hope that this tooth will grow a little faster so that I can be relieved of my pain and suffering. Oh well, guess I have to make time go faster instead. Aih...........

Ultimate joke.... (read below)

My week couldn't be any greater!!!! At last, after a couple of months, taking on the pressure and weight which is equivalent to the weight of the world, my dearest , ever-dearest wardrobe decided to resign from its JOB!!!!! IT COLLAPSED!!!
Oh goodness gracious, oh boy... Now I don't have a wardrobe to put my clothes that are piling up like a gigantic mountain!! Do you believe that? I mean... My wardrobe!! COLLAPSED!!! God, why did you do this to me???!!???
Now I need to shop for a new one, and this time I will make sure I buy an extra large and one that will stand firm for the rest of its life!!!!!
Phew... Starting to feel like an idiot.. great......

Cool!!! Now even the monkey's laughing at ME!!!!

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