4 days ago, I woke up to a sudden pain in my mouth and was yelling atg teh top of my voice. The pain was so excrutiating and I could hardly open my mouth to talk. If you wanna know what was going on, a wisdom tooth is growing in my mouth!!!
MAN!!! That really hurts. Because it is growing so slowly, and my gums just have to split and let the teeth come out. Now that it is not in and not out, I guess I will be suffering the pain for quite some time. Huhuhuhu... If I go on like that, I think I might go nuts.... I can't even talk properly, cause if I open my mouth too big, it hurts! Somebody help me!!
I just hope that this tooth will grow a little faster so that I can be relieved of my pain and suffering. Oh well, guess I have to make time go faster instead. Aih...........

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