1. Does it matter to you if your bf/gfsmoke?
2. How about drinking?
- YEAPPY YEAP! Unless wedding dinner la...
3. Do you want someone you cant have?
- Definitely..
4. If someone liked you right now,would u want them to tell u?
- Of cz!! Why wanna keep it secret?
5. Whats your favorite sport?
- Ehh.. I don't do sports.. They don't like me either...
6. Its saturday night, you're homealone.. what do you do?
- Sleeping beauty....
8. Can you do the splits?- Haha... I wont bestanding straight anymore...
9. Do you like roller coasters?
- Before meals... And mostly no!
10. Whens the perfect time to have aboyfriend/girl?
- God knows when!!!
11. If you could date any celebrity,who would it be?
- ehh... dono wo.. handsome ma can la.. rich can la..
12. Whats your favorite band?
- I like individual singers.. (^^)
13. What are you doing this weekend?
- Help my friend with assignment maybe???
14. Whats your favorite restaurant?
-dono... got nice food can dy.. (^^)
15. Do you usually fall for the right or wrong girl/boy?
- I think is wrong kua.. most of the time not available liao de.. (**)
16. Have you ever hugged someone?
- I love to hug!!!! Huggy huggy...
17. Ever kissed someone you werent attracted to?
- I must be damn desperate if I do.. NO!
18. Do you like anyone right now?
- So totally... head over heels!!
21. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
-PHYSICAL APPEARANCE!! Top to bottom! Whoo hoo...
23. Which do you prefer, beach or the mountains?
-beach lar.. I hv fear of heights.. hahah..
24. What kind of phone do you have?
-Motorola lar.. SE went to factory...
26.Computer or laptop?
-Lappy... Comp oso got.. (^^)
27. What is your favorite store?
- Anything with nice shirt and pants and shoes.. accessories tooo....
28. Jeans or sweats?
- I see my name, so JEANS!! Sweats????
29. Which year has been the best so far?
30. How old are you gonna be on yournext birthday?
- 19.. ON THURSDAY!! Hebohkan la... hahah...
31. What should you be doing right now?
-Studying for a test and working on my assignment.
32. What is your favorite tv show?
33. Color?
- I like black to slim, and green for cool cool cucumber.. (^^)
34. Are you attracted to gals/guys smoke?
- NOPE! But we can be friends.. just dont puff in my face...
35. Would you want a chilled laid backgf/bf or a party animal?
- No party animal!!!
36. Have you ever fallen on your buttin front of a crowd of people?
- Don't remember
37. Explain your dream car:
- Nice and cool and can be driven can le...
38. What do you do when you're at home?
- What do you do?
39. Whats your favorite subject?
- The cute guys?? hahahha...
40. Where do you want to go to college?
- Grammar mistake!! I wont answer.. hahaha
41. Do you like to go to concerts?
- Neveer been to any before..
42. Favorite type of music?
- Dono.. nice can le..
43. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
- My bed very small, I don't think I have much of a choice...
44. Scariest thing you've ever done?
45. Whats the best feature about you would say?
- NO answer for this.... (**)
46. What annoys you?
- hypocrytes, extreme laziness, nagginess.... bla bla bla...
47. If you had one super power, whatwould it be?
- CRUSH CRUSH!! no la.. I like to be able to read minds and see through people!! haha
48. Ever gone to saturday school?
- of cz la...
49. Been kicked out of class?
- I'm their angel... they can't do that to me..
50. If you could say anything to anyone?
- I love you very much, know that??!!!
51. What are some of your favoritequotes?
- Dono.
52. Are you jealous person?
- Maybe...
53. Are you friends with people that you shouldnt be friends with?
- errr......
54. What are two of your fears?
- hantu and owang mati
-failure and rejection
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