Tom didn't have any friends and was always trying to fit in with the other kids at his high school. Because he was overweight and uncoordinated, Tom was always the brunt of practical jokes. One day he was late for biology class. Jim and his friends had replaced his chair with a broken one, and as he crashed to the ground, the whole class roared with laughter.
Tom just couldn't fit in, no matter what he did. He was desperate for relationships, to feel significant and to be accepted.
One spring after school, Tom decided to take a chortcut home, through the alley behind the old Wards department store. About halfway throug he heard muffled screams behind an old dumpster. As he got closer, he saw Jim, from school, on thr ground trying to escape from two guys hitting him with empty wine bottles.
Tom jumped inot the swirling mix of bodies, fists and bottles. He threw the guys off Jim and screamed, " Run Jim -- get outta here fast!" Jim ran as quickly as he could, never looking back. Later that evening, a homeless man found Tom's lifeless body in the alley.
At teh memorial service in the school's gym, kids satg in silence as they listened to Jim tell the story of hot Tom saved his life. This time there was no laughter, only tears for the friend they never knew.........
PS: Could this be me? Could this be you? Tom or Jim? Pretty sad don't you think so... Hmmm....
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