Eiya.. Now I have some time to talk about this. (^^)
On Friday ( 27th June 2008 ), my friends and I finally went to the studio and finish up the final part of the whole documentary, that is the narration. We went to the studio which I work at ( got special rate ma... ).
But before that, we went over the Leisure Mall and loiter around for a little while. We delayed for an hour because the client before us did not leave. Supposedly 3pm, we ended up starting at 4pm. Anyways, no problem. We just hung around in Leisure Mall. (^^) We did not do much there. Spent some time walking around, trying to find the magazine I want, and went over to a shop to get some dessert. (^^) Accompanied my friend to get washing powder and bla bla bla..
Back to the recording. Hmm... I guess it was an experience for my friends who have not been to an actual studio for recording.
First and foremost, we recorded the narration. Hui Hsing and I took turns recording. Well, my boss ended up saying that we did not sound happy enough. Lol... (^^) It did not make him feel like going to Melaka with the narration we had. So did a little change in intonation and mood, and sounded much better. (^^) Hehe... narration was easy to record. It's all talking. Lol..
But the tougher part is during the song recording. Hui Hsing took some time to get the ending proper and presentable, and while recording the first track of guitar, boss suggested that we record another guitar track to make it sound more stereo and thus be able to cover up mistakes. On the other hand, able to save time and energy as well. (^^) Boss is pro, u know?? haha.. So we did. And yeap! Sounded a lot better .. (^^) Hui Hsing pretty much enjoyed himself I suppose. Listening back to your own playing brings a great feeling of accomplishment.
The same goes for listening back to your own singing. But it was more like being embarrassed actually. Haha... It took me some time to really make it sound a lot better, but somehow I think that it still ain't nice. But since this is just a first time, so I guess I can pardon myself for not doing such a great job. haha.. but the experience was worth it all, it was fun and adrenaline-rushing cool! haha... Now that I have another song, I hope that I will be able to work it out and make it good. (^^) Till then, I still need the musician for the music. Haha..
Anyways, this is all. It is really great and I hope that we all enjoyed ourselves. (^^)
Alright.. Gonna work on some stuff..
A couple of things
Well, been real busy the whole week, so just gonna update on a couple of things.
Firstly, was doing video editing over and over again, and the funny thing is that each time after I edit the video, the time gets shorter and shorter and eventually it came to around 5 minutes and yet the timeline in the editor is more than 7 minutes. Other than confused, I have no other feelings nor thoughts. But anyway anyhow, everything is going fine and I am enjoying it, and the video is finally completed. (^^) That's a good thing... More sleep now.
Exams are coming, and I am yet to really bury myself in studying, so am getting slightly worried. Well, it is important that I get good grades during the mid-term test so that I do not have to worry much about my finals since good grades during the mid-term is going to help boost up the overall grades. Aihz... getting lazy, but gonna push myself and force myself to work hard now. Oosh...
Yesterday, means Friday, met up with Sau Yip for breakfast. Been such a long time since I last saw the people from Youth Enrichment School. Don't even know how much everyone has changed, especially appearance-wise. Everyone changed. (^^) Those who can't drive now can drive, and I still can't drive. Lol.. sad fact but fact. (^^) I always have a driver. Haha.. anyways, had a great time chatting and telling stories as if I have not told any for the past years ( I tell storied almost everyday ).. So, great to meet up with people whom I have not met for a long time. Hope to be able to keep in touch with them again.. (^^)
Yawn.. Kinda sleepy while tying this.. Slept a lot, but still sleepy. (^^) So, think I gonna go off and oi oi (zzz) lo.. (**)
Good night everyone....
Firstly, was doing video editing over and over again, and the funny thing is that each time after I edit the video, the time gets shorter and shorter and eventually it came to around 5 minutes and yet the timeline in the editor is more than 7 minutes. Other than confused, I have no other feelings nor thoughts. But anyway anyhow, everything is going fine and I am enjoying it, and the video is finally completed. (^^) That's a good thing... More sleep now.
Exams are coming, and I am yet to really bury myself in studying, so am getting slightly worried. Well, it is important that I get good grades during the mid-term test so that I do not have to worry much about my finals since good grades during the mid-term is going to help boost up the overall grades. Aihz... getting lazy, but gonna push myself and force myself to work hard now. Oosh...
Yesterday, means Friday, met up with Sau Yip for breakfast. Been such a long time since I last saw the people from Youth Enrichment School. Don't even know how much everyone has changed, especially appearance-wise. Everyone changed. (^^) Those who can't drive now can drive, and I still can't drive. Lol.. sad fact but fact. (^^) I always have a driver. Haha.. anyways, had a great time chatting and telling stories as if I have not told any for the past years ( I tell storied almost everyday ).. So, great to meet up with people whom I have not met for a long time. Hope to be able to keep in touch with them again.. (^^)
Yawn.. Kinda sleepy while tying this.. Slept a lot, but still sleepy. (^^) So, think I gonna go off and oi oi (zzz) lo.. (**)
Good night everyone....
Video Editting - not fun, but funny
Video editting.. Using Adobe Premiere..
It is not fun, long process and hard work, with a lot of head and brain squeezing for ideas on how to link things together and eye straining to search for the clips to be used to perfect the video. Although the process is long, but it sure is funny!
That is because I can distort voices. How?? Very simple.. a short portion of a person's voice that goes for around 10 seconds, I shorten it to 5 seconds, it becomes funnily sharp! hehe.. like a chipmunk.. Lol..
And then when I go forward and backwards on the portion of the voice, it will go like ' pi pi, pu pu, pi pi, p p, d d..' exactly.. does not make any sense, just a whole lot of funny voices. Hahaha.. that is the fun... lol... kept me laughing.. hehe...
But the rendering process drive me nuts!! Big file, big thing.. long time..
It is not fun, long process and hard work, with a lot of head and brain squeezing for ideas on how to link things together and eye straining to search for the clips to be used to perfect the video. Although the process is long, but it sure is funny!
That is because I can distort voices. How?? Very simple.. a short portion of a person's voice that goes for around 10 seconds, I shorten it to 5 seconds, it becomes funnily sharp! hehe.. like a chipmunk.. Lol..
And then when I go forward and backwards on the portion of the voice, it will go like ' pi pi, pu pu, pi pi, p p, d d..' exactly.. does not make any sense, just a whole lot of funny voices. Hahaha.. that is the fun... lol... kept me laughing.. hehe...
But the rendering process drive me nuts!! Big file, big thing.. long time..
Tofu.. that would be very much the way I will describe myself.
I am actually a tofu.. though I may not seem like it. I am easy to shatter, easy to break, easy to be nibbled, even if you don't have teeth! I'm a tofu, inside....
I can sound really harsh and cruel, and I might sound really bad and that I can really do things which will hurt you real bad, but most of the time, I am a tofu when I am supposed to put it into action. No matter how much I said that I am going to slap you, scold you, kill you, report you or anything, I can never do it.. NO idea why..
So I am a stoney-looking tofu. Never judge a book by its cover, so don't judge a person by the looks. Understand ma??(^^)
Here are some tofu pics.. (^^)

I am actually a tofu.. though I may not seem like it. I am easy to shatter, easy to break, easy to be nibbled, even if you don't have teeth! I'm a tofu, inside....
I can sound really harsh and cruel, and I might sound really bad and that I can really do things which will hurt you real bad, but most of the time, I am a tofu when I am supposed to put it into action. No matter how much I said that I am going to slap you, scold you, kill you, report you or anything, I can never do it.. NO idea why..
So I am a stoney-looking tofu. Never judge a book by its cover, so don't judge a person by the looks. Understand ma??(^^)
Here are some tofu pics.. (^^)

Updates on everything
First and foremost, let's talk about the documentary shooting which we had in Melaka.
Well... We reached university around 8am, and guess what, I am the latest! Lol... But the important point is not that, the important point is that we spent almost an hour there trying to shoot the first scene - the beginning. I won't tell how it is, just in case some people are reading this ( lol ! ), but we took 3 times, and the first time was best. That is because the 2nd time the car could not be started, and the third time we got honked at by the other drivers. Lol... It all started out pretty comically..
And it was 2 hours ++ journey to Melaka, and along the wat, we listen to songs and fell asleep! Oh ya.. and the last row of the vehicle is definitely not a good place to sit, because by the time we get up, everybody got an aching back and a cramped legs. Boy.. sounds bad.. But ain't that bad compared to my father's scary driving. Lol.. It had been a long time since he last drove a manual car and this time he is driving us to Melaka, and so... hm.. I leave it to you to imagine the rest. Lol...
So Melaka was fine, but because I was hungry for way too long, I got a little bit of gastric, and then because I did not sleep enough, I got a little cranky, or actually way too cranky and zombie-like.. And by the end of the day, I was way too exhausted to talk to anyone or even eat, and ended up fishing all the way. Can't take it...
But I think the part that I enjoyed most was experimenting my make-up skills on the host. Oh boy! You do not even know my worries when I laid that concealer on his face! wakakaka... I do not quite know how to use it, but anyway, no harm trying right?? Oh ya, if it is not your own face that is.. LOL! So I did, everything! Concealer, then foundation, then winnie bitsy of lip gloss, blusher and whoa la! It was done! Haha.. I think it was quite good, lol.. but then.. wasted effort because by the time the shooting started, everything was kinda washed away by the sweat! Hoho.. but we left the before pictures. Hehehe... (^^)
So that's all about our trip to Melaka.
Now let me go on to my external hard disk. Yeay! I had always wanted to get one, and now I finally have one. Seriously, space in the comp is totally not enough, and I need more storage. So there it is. The brand is NoTouch ( oh yea... no touchy touchy you meddly fingeries.. ) hehe.. it is glossy black with a pepper red base, kinda cool combination! Hoho... 160GB, quite expensive. Hehe... but at least now I can put more things and my video assignment can be done. Hehe..
Well, life is about this much I can say. I don't have much to add anymore. So, till next time!
Well... We reached university around 8am, and guess what, I am the latest! Lol... But the important point is not that, the important point is that we spent almost an hour there trying to shoot the first scene - the beginning. I won't tell how it is, just in case some people are reading this ( lol ! ), but we took 3 times, and the first time was best. That is because the 2nd time the car could not be started, and the third time we got honked at by the other drivers. Lol... It all started out pretty comically..
And it was 2 hours ++ journey to Melaka, and along the wat, we listen to songs and fell asleep! Oh ya.. and the last row of the vehicle is definitely not a good place to sit, because by the time we get up, everybody got an aching back and a cramped legs. Boy.. sounds bad.. But ain't that bad compared to my father's scary driving. Lol.. It had been a long time since he last drove a manual car and this time he is driving us to Melaka, and so... hm.. I leave it to you to imagine the rest. Lol...
So Melaka was fine, but because I was hungry for way too long, I got a little bit of gastric, and then because I did not sleep enough, I got a little cranky, or actually way too cranky and zombie-like.. And by the end of the day, I was way too exhausted to talk to anyone or even eat, and ended up fishing all the way. Can't take it...
But I think the part that I enjoyed most was experimenting my make-up skills on the host. Oh boy! You do not even know my worries when I laid that concealer on his face! wakakaka... I do not quite know how to use it, but anyway, no harm trying right?? Oh ya, if it is not your own face that is.. LOL! So I did, everything! Concealer, then foundation, then winnie bitsy of lip gloss, blusher and whoa la! It was done! Haha.. I think it was quite good, lol.. but then.. wasted effort because by the time the shooting started, everything was kinda washed away by the sweat! Hoho.. but we left the before pictures. Hehehe... (^^)
So that's all about our trip to Melaka.
Now let me go on to my external hard disk. Yeay! I had always wanted to get one, and now I finally have one. Seriously, space in the comp is totally not enough, and I need more storage. So there it is. The brand is NoTouch ( oh yea... no touchy touchy you meddly fingeries.. ) hehe.. it is glossy black with a pepper red base, kinda cool combination! Hoho... 160GB, quite expensive. Hehe... but at least now I can put more things and my video assignment can be done. Hehe..
Well, life is about this much I can say. I don't have much to add anymore. So, till next time!
Assignment Bomb
I am fighting a war, where the lecturer just threw us an assignment bomb!! Load of our soldiers are now wounded and they need emergency care.
Aihz... assignment after assignment, some not even sure what to do with it, and now we are all in chaotic mess. Some assignments have too soon a dateline and goodness gracious, how am I supposed to finish it in time. Dear group members, please do the work ya??? (^^)
Anyways, it's been another week, which means classes have commenced for 2 weeks now, and I am still confused. To be honest, I don't remember anything that was taught for the pass week. I wonder what was I doing last week. Dreaming?? Probably...
And I am still yet to remember the names of my coursemates. Lol.. Hopefully will be able to remember all of them by this week.
Aihz... Kinda tired now.. and hope I can cope with it, not forgetting the fact that Mr Flu came to pay a visit. Feeling as if I am lack of oxygen.
Sleep brain now..
Aihz... assignment after assignment, some not even sure what to do with it, and now we are all in chaotic mess. Some assignments have too soon a dateline and goodness gracious, how am I supposed to finish it in time. Dear group members, please do the work ya??? (^^)
Anyways, it's been another week, which means classes have commenced for 2 weeks now, and I am still confused. To be honest, I don't remember anything that was taught for the pass week. I wonder what was I doing last week. Dreaming?? Probably...
And I am still yet to remember the names of my coursemates. Lol.. Hopefully will be able to remember all of them by this week.
Aihz... Kinda tired now.. and hope I can cope with it, not forgetting the fact that Mr Flu came to pay a visit. Feeling as if I am lack of oxygen.
Sleep brain now..
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