How come at times when we meet people face to face, we are able to talk and crap like crazy, but never be able to say anything through electronical stuff like MSN? Funny how people can act sometimes..
It is sometimes interesting when it comes to human behaviour.. Mine is already a great mystery and I suppose that there will be no one better to predict me and know me other than God himself. People can be so different in so many ways, and sometimes we just wish that we are able to see and read what is going through their head.
At times, I like to keep thinking and try to figure out what people, especially those I know are thinking and how come they can be so different at different places, time and events. It is just something which aroused curiosity in me. I sometimes get really sick and tired when people all of a sudden change to be like somebody else and I find that I am not able to talk to him or her anymore. I really hate that, but that is one good place for me to try to figure out human's ridiculous brains and crazy brain works.
Anyway, the more I think, the more confused I get. Whoosh... but I don't care.. I will keep thinking until I go crazy... That't just me.. never stop thinking...

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