
Early in the Morning

Now is 6.41am Malaysia time. I'm in MAlaysia anyways.

What am I doing up so early?



Today is orientation day!! Today will be the first day I will meet with new people within my new course of study. The old are gone, and the new is going to come. I am kinda nervous, I would say, as it would be so different this time round, after spending a year with the same people in my foundation in science.

I wonder how are my friends doing in Kampar and Setapak? I am sure they will enjoy themselves in their new campus.

Waking up so early in the morning is such a struggle for me this time, because for 3 weeks I woke up around afternoon. Now to wake up at 6.15 am, that is ridiculous. Thank goodness I chose what I want to wear the night before, so I do not have to wake up earlier to find myself changing set by set, shirt by shirt, pants by pants, skirt by skirt. Whoosh.. though I still look funny, but at least, still presentable.

I wonder what color will my T-shirt be this time? No green please, got that before. Lol.. Hope some other nicer colors. And what kind fo file?? No pocket file please, maybe the same as the previous time. And I might be getting some problem when taking photos for the student ID. Aihz.. Forget about those... Thinking too much. Haha... Think of what to eat is better..

Old Town ?? It's been quite a long time since the last time I went there.. MAybe I can go today, hopefully my friend wanna join me. He's ma driver... haha.. (^^)

Anyway, just a simple update about what will be going on today, and well.. Hope I enjoy it!! Yawn...

Take care everyone... Peace..

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