1. Sick in the body
- I'm having a running nose and cough, and my throat feels pretty itchy. Feel so tired and worked out. My panda eyes are getting real dark by the days and I think that I am going to fall so sick until I will need to lie in bed and not get up for one whole day. Sneezing and sneezing all the time. real tired...
2. Sick in the brain
- My barin ain't functioning properly. I don't know why, but there are always things which I know that I know but then when it comes to really trying to think about it, I get all mixed up and blank. I don't even know what is going on around and just go poof! Everything is missing from my head. I was pretty stressed up today when I could not even answer the simple questions posted at me. I am real stressed up now. This is my brain, something went wrong.
Anyways, hope I will be feeling better soon.. Sure hope to be as good as new.
Hah CHOO!!!
For the weekend, I sweated like mad. The place was so ever hot and ever burning. But nevertheless, it was a great time which I had. Lolz...
Let me talk about the jungle trekking thing at night first. Well, the person who brought us jungle trekking owns many dogs, and at night the dogs went together for the jungle trail. You know one thing, I really am afraid of dogs, and those dogs were like ever scaring me throughout the whole jungle trail. They were like climbing everywhere. I was like so scared, and the slopes were very steep and I nearly fell off the trail. Goodness gracious.. Thank God I am okay..
And the most interesting part is the river crossing. There were 2 ropes prepared for us, and we need to cross them by holding the rope on top, and our feet sliding pass the river on the rope below. Gosh.... That was like to thrilling but at the same time so scary. I was so afraid that I might fall into the river and be the most scrumptious dinner for the leeches.. EEeewww...
But I managed with no problem at all. Quite an exiciting adventure there...
Well, this is all for the moment.. hehe.. any updates, till later lar.. (^^)
Public speaking.. again..
It's gonna be a class presentation, which I am still yet to know which lecture topic we are going to present.. hehe.. anyways..
Congrats to Wen Hou (Jason) and me, we both are going to be main presentators, which means that more talking soon.. lolz.. but I sure believe that everything will be going on fine.. (^^)
Got back chem results.. depressing results, don't wanna mention bout it here anyway.. Today mummy won't be at home, so I will be the naughty person at home.. lolz.. certainly will be going out then.. but tonight have serious stuff to do.. might need to work on music and stuff again.. lolz.. limited time to have fun.. hoho..
will be free for 2 days, and then will be going to Melaka for a function.. can't wait.. hehehe..
So... nothing dy lar.. will post something when I have something to post.. (^^)
I sounded so damn good!! Yoohoo!
Cause I kinda wrote a song and he thought it sounded way nice, and thought that I should try and record it and see how it sounds..
So we did.. boss played the guitar, I was facing the microphone and singing.. I was terribly nervous though.. My first time ever singing into a recording microphone.. But it was a whole different feeling altogether.. There is a sense of such great joy and excitement when I was standing there and knowing that it is being recorded.. But I won't deny this, I sound way good!! Lolz... perasan I know.. but boss said that I was way good with my pitching, I hit them perfectly.. lolz.. so happy to get a compliment.. haha.. but it was a nice song.. hehe.. especially when we were doing the unplugged version.. waliao weh.. I loved it!!
Anyways, I will be doing recording as in singing with a group of people soon, and you might just get to hear my voice on a CD!! So Excited.. lolz...
Can't wait.. but take my time.. Studies still have to come first..huhuh...
That's all for my report on work.. Till next time ya?
Today my individual presentation is over.. haha..my blood was rushing like mad, and I was cold throughout the whole thing, but I finally was over it and got it done.. I also got compliments from friends.. Thank you so much all of you for supporting and being so cooperative.. haha..
Anyways, I will be having another group presentation for public speaking and also one for biology.. Can you believe it? Biology.. I'm going to be the lecturer then.. gosh.. Mr Tian might as well give me his job lar.. lolz.. joking..
At least now I have one done.. Now I need to prepare for tonight because I will be working tonight..
Hope I can wake up in time tomorrow for classes.. lolz...
They know me as TWO LINES
I'm called 'TWO LINES'..
Wondering why, I know..
It's like this... if you know me, whenever I smile and laugh, both my eyes will go missing and only two lines will be left.. So I am called two lines.. I evolved from being a gene into two lines.. multiplied from one to two.. great.. so great..
Hahaha... anyways, I admit that I will have two lines left only when I smile and laugh.. haha..
If you wanna know how I look like when I laugh and smile, next time I will try to post it for u.. After I applied cosmetics that is.. lolz.. ICI
That's all peeps.. just to inform my new nickname.. lolz..
Dogs hate me, why ar?
Dogs somehow seem to hate me.. I don't know why.. everytime I see a dog, they either come running at me and seem somehow wanna get a bite of me, or they will start scaring me away with the drooly sniffing.. I hate that...
Aihz.. Why dogs hate me? I was chased by a dog when I was very young, and boy! I could break the world record at that time.. Now you know what adreneline can do.. hahaha..
Do I look like a cat? I don't have whiskers.. I shouldn't be a cat.. I'm human!! I know I am.. huhuhu..
who cares anyway, I should just keep away from dogs then.. Safety first! Hahha...
It just crossed my mind.. Hahhaa... Some of us were talking about names some time ago, and we were telling ourselves that we need to be very careful whenever we give names..
Sometimes we do come across names in which we just feel too embarassed to even mention them.. Anyways, I won't give any examples here.. Coz haha.. not nice u know?
So, when naming, we need to consider all the different languages, because sometimes in one language it may not mean anything, but in another language it may mean something awful and something indecent..
HAha.. just a reminder here oni.. Lolz.. But we did had a great talk that day.. (^^)
K lar.. that's all.. tata
Getting tougher..
It's getting tougher and tougher.. Work at recording studio seems easy at first, but when too many things come by, I got a slight headache already..
So technical.. So many buttons to press, and I don't which goes first and which goes second.. I don't remember how to create tracks and then do assigning.. Gosh.. Do you think I will get fired?
Huhu. trying to cope with the life where I will need to balance time in so many ways.. Balance the time for studying and doing all the homework thingy thingy, for working until late night, for going to church for practices and everything.. Still coping.. I'm sure I should be able to handle it pretty soon...
Hm.. Wish me best.. Alrites?
Today we were having our programming practical session.. And hmm.. we learned something new, that is 'Function'..
Eh.. not the maths function, just function.. equations or whatsoever you wanna call that..
void hello (void);
int main void
there should be a lot of things here
Lolz.. just something.. anyways, my practical lecturer substituted the 'hello' with 'hai'.. And he was repeating the words so many times with an accent, and it somehow sounded like a very dirty word( in cantonese)..
And for one moment, he repeated the words 4 times straight, and the whole class roared with laughter.. We asked him to change, but he refused.. goodness.. it was like a class of foul words.. lolz...
Quite an interesting day.. Hahahaha...
Don't ask me the name of the lecturer, I won't reveal.. hohohoh..
New Dress
Today I went to Midvalley for a little bit of shopping ( I have test coming this week.. lolz.. I prefer to shop than to study.. )
I was roming and loitering around, hoping that I can at least find something that is worth buying.. lolz.. I bought myself lotsa food though.. nyam nyam...
Anyways, I was walking for 2 hours until my legs hurt and my back ached, I finally came to a shop that is not very big, and I was mesmerized by the clothes that are in there.. lolz.. so nice! I starting looking one by one and finally, came to a dress which I liked pretty much.. ( x take pic with the camera, sorry..)
It is just plain white in colour, no patterns, nothing, but it was simply elegant when worn. My goodness!! It was only RM45.. I really loved it, so without second thought, I bought that.. haha... I can't really explain the shape, cause I'm not good with words.. But anyways, when I get the chance, I will post the picture here ya?
HEhe.. that's all about my dress..
Being self-loving again..

At Jonker.. listening to songs all the way..
Ever seen somebody kissing their own leg? Here.. I'm doing it!! Lolz..

Hehe... mmm.... what do I feel like eating today? Hehe... nothing..
I like the window.. hope u don't mind.. haha
Lighting is important.. I use the sunlight to enhance.. lolz!!
Nearly kena 'cheque'

Lolz... never knew that we had to get this before parking. thank goodness we got to the car in time.. hehehe...
Well... Now.. I know!! Hahhaa...
Trip to Melaka...
My new job
I finally found myself a job, something to do to get $$... Dang poor.. hahaha...
This time round I get to work in a recording studio.. well, managed to get through the trial run where I get to handle the recording.. But still has lotsa things to learn.. Phew..
Leme c what I did...
1. I got to press buttons that indicates STOP, STORE (must press SHIFT first),PLAY, RECORD
2. I get to roll the big button to go front and back of the recording.. lolz...
3. I get to go to UTILITY and then METRONOME, and bla bla.. lolz...
4. I get to change song list...
5. I get to do lotsa things that I probably forgot dy by now.. lolz..
Quite insignificant stuff written up there, but ain't easy.. lols..
Wish be the best yea? Hope I can work well, and study well at the mean time too.. WHo knows I might get to record myself? Lolz..
Just a dream
Tsk Tsk Tsk....
Well, anyone here interested to know a bit about my maths tutor?
Here you go!!
Haha.. berlagak cool only.. (^^)
Anyways, he's a good tutor.. He's good in teaching, can understand ( happy Mr. Ong?) .. HAhaha... but sometimes, bo bek bo bek.. and dono why so pantang pink.. Like taboo only.. hahaha....
Well, a khaki pants tutor.. Don't come in slacks like others do.. dono why.. hahaha.. or maybe I never seen one.. kaka!! But he's a okay person... (^^) You'll enjoy his classes..
So, Mr. Ong.. Are you reading this? Hahaha.. Dont wan u get jealous that always Mr. Tian get the attention and glory lar.. hehehehehehe... (^^)

Hahaha.. I didn't lie, right? hahaha...
There he goes with the 'V' sign... hehe...
now it's up to you what you wanna think.. (^^)