Heels.. aihz
TE3 presentation today, and I have to say that they did a job very well done. So proud of them and glad that they finally got it done and did it well. Congratulations!!
Okie.. back to heels thingy. The group leader did not print the namelist with photos for the group, so I decided to help and went out to Seksyen 17 nearby mamak stall to help them print it out. Mind you, they were practicing hard.. and they can never practice enough.
Gosh... Heels made me miserable. It was so difficult to walk. I felt like I could almost remove the shoes and walk bare-footed. So I walked and it was so damn hot. Whew.. almost dried up in the sun. At least, I got to the shop and printed and went to mamak to get myself something to eat. But, I forgot that time I was having a stomach-ache and so, I kinda ate and drank food which is taboo at that moment. I had to suffer while walking back. Ouching every once in a while.
Before that, I did not forget to get Yee Mei something to eat. I just bought a roti kosong ni. Hahaha.. so cheap. But at least something for her to fill her stomach before presentation, in case she faint. Hahaha..
well, I felt miserable walking around in heels, and they just made me giddy and faint. Aihz...
Now I know, no special occasion, no heels!!!
Those were the hardwork for the past half year, and all of us were grateful that everything went well, and I suppose the people do enjoy it.
Hahaha... anyways, let's talk about the solo thingy that I had to do yesterday. hahaha... well, the song was okay, but it has quite a catchy count. So, before that, I was very nervous, and the ultimate thing that I was worried about was the lyrics, I was way afraid that I might forget. Hahaha... But I'm glad that I did not, and at the end of the day, got a lot of compliments too for the singing. Thank God....
Well, and the part where the two main actor and actress were crying with the music and everything, very touching, but fortunately I didn't cry. hahha.. or else I can't sing..
I don't know what to say now, but Im glad that things went well and was a success. Yeay!!(^^)
Is it me, or that I am really tired..? ZzZ
Never felt this tired before. (*______*)
Lately been sleeping a lot, but then it's like worst and worst. Maybe slept too much, that's why.. aihz.. Time to change brain, anybody selling one? One which is full of intelligence and knowledge. Can save my time in studying and everything else. hahaha...
Christmas coming real soon, and I already got a new haircut, new shirt, new shoes.. Hahaha.. anything else new? Nah.. no new boyfriend, sad case. Hahaha.. anyways, I'm just hoping that I have enough time to study for my tests which comes right after Christmas day.. crazy right? who can enjoy like that? huhuhu... Biology and Programming.. people who are good in either one or both subjects, keep quiet!!! (T______T)
I'm trying to fit in time for everything, performance, luncheon in which I cannot run away from because I am needed there, studies, play, sleep, eat and everything necessary to a human being. Aihz...Give me 48 hours a day God.. HELP!!
Okie.. God might send me a letter on Christmas day and tell me 'Ur NUTS!'..
Well, I will just have to plan my time....
Plan plan plan... plan plan plan..
ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ................ (<______________>)
Aihz.. Spent so much time on it, but then still ended up confused and getting my facts wrong. Gosh..
This afternoon was away at mamak, went to grab something to eat. At that time Mr Ong was giving out maths paper, I wasn't there. So sad.. Apple asked me where was I, I thought I was in trouble or what, cause she looked so serious. Then only she told me that maths paper was given dy. Hahaha... I thought Ms Khoo going to kill me for being late for class. (^^)
Anyways, I got 40/40. This is first time in history, going to remember this forever. (^^) Hahaha...
Thanks to MR ONG who taught well.. (^^) Hehehe.. and also my hard work, on this chapter oni. Hahhaha...
Well, study lar, sometimes it pays but sometimes it doesn't. Hahaha... Just study lar.. (^^)
Farewell lunch with Mr Foo.. Just before my presentation.. whoo~
Hmm.. let's see... :
2 students gave Mr Foo a gift as memory. Although I still have no idea what is Mr Tian doing in the photo.. prop? Mr Foo!! Terbalik lar the gift. Didn't show the pink paper also..
Mr Tian: Alamak.. y ler? suddenly oni..
Yong Kang: Faster lar.. no time liao leh.. u don't love me izit? Never mind.. I can step on 2 boats at one time.. (^^)
Hmm.. farewell lunch turned into marriage ceremony? Haha... good oso, but neh.. not true ler..What is Kyan doing behind? people getting married u sampat go and pose!! Chiu.. Hahaha... btw, I can see my laptop behind, who said u can sit???!!!???
Some people just can never stop berlagak. Sombong betul.. Hahaha... nah lah nah lah.. joking, or my bio result at stake. (^^)
Group photo everyone. quick!! Raining lar outside.. faster before banjir!! the leng lui in short hair and denim jacket ( i think so ) is Miss Leong.. (^^)
Yea.. I gave Mr Foo extra horns.. hahaha.. Punch punch.. 'v' 'v'.. Hahahha.. Everybody do something!!
These are the people at my table. (^^) Guys are gay, girls are normal. Yeap! Hey!! A christmas hat hanging behind, why didn't someone get that? Hahah.. chinese tea everywhere.. (^^)
Yeap.. so this is as much as I can show now. hahaha.. dirty tables noisy people.. hahaha... good time.. (^^)
With Mr Foo...
I wonder why is this pic blur? hahaha... never mind.. let's huggy everyone under the christmas tree in Times Square!!
Sitting and waiting for the food.. Let's not waste time, come on.. Mr Foo, take photo quick!!
Me and Chun Tien
Me and Ze Lene
Me and Mr Foo
What are we doing? No idea.. just a pose..
One person extra.. Mr Foo!! COme in lar!!
Left to right: CHun Tien, Me, Mr Foo, Hui Hui, Ervin
They wanted colour coordination.. so one special black, two reddish tone, and two green tones.. (^^)
Well.. Hehehe.. these are the pics.. (^^)
Well, 20 of us went for Nanking, which is a vege restaurant ( Mr Foo. is vege... ^^) and I can say for a person who hates vege it was okay.. hahahha...
Let me see who went..
1. Me ( of coz !! first prority )
2. Mr Foo
3. Chun Tien
4. Mr Tian
5. Miss Leong
6. Malcolm
7. Eric
8. Hui Hui
9. Wei Keat
10. Kyan
11. Sian Siu
12. Michelle
13. Yee Theng
14. Yong Kang
15. Li Wen
16. Da Jie ( they always call her this, her real name I dono dy.. )
17. Ze Lene
18. Tiffany
19. Feei Wen
20. Yee Mei
overall, it was okay, and everything caused around RM200++... can't tell exact figure.
This time round, we decided to treat our lecturers kind, and so we cut them off paying. (^^) Aren't we kind? hahahhaa... but it is quite uneasy for me to eat with lecturers around. Especially Mr Tian, eating like China man... Sit up straight, proper position and hold chopsticks like China man.. all of us also hold chopsticks wrongly.. not trained... no skill.. (^^)
Mr Foo was like Santa Claus, everyone took picture with him. (^^) Hahahahha... but too bad I did not manage to hear him sing today.. quite sad.. hahahah...
Ms Leong was darn funny in the car, as she was trying her best to make sure that Chun Tien who is a 'banana' don't get left out in conversations... hahha... so sweet of her...
Well, at the moment, I can't really think of anything anymore.. THe only thing I remember are Mr Tian eating like traditional China man, Mr Foo like glamorous Santa Claus, and Ms Leong being so extremely funny in the car.. hahha..
ur summary.. (^^)
2nd time..
so happy that I got a second chance. I had about 45 minutes to do it, and I finished it as fast as I could and tried my best to remove every organ from the abdominal cavity. I did not have to worry about anything because I don't have to write a lab report for this one. I smacked everything out and then just cut out the stomach and wonder why is it transparent. (^^) The liver changed color dy anyway. Dead for quite some time. But this time the mouse was way bloodier than the one I did before. Hahahaha.. it was so interesting.. first time I punctured a bit of the heart. NIce dead mouse..
BAd karma.. hahaha... then I was trying my best to cut the uterine horn open, but it seemed elastical so I could not cut it open. So i left it alone.
Left kidney is higher than the right. Just so, you know...
Anything else? I forgot.. hahaha...
I will be suffering.
later I will be having bio tutorial.. will be suffering...
sobby sob sob....
never mind lar.. There are only 2 possibilities in the class later..
1) When I answer a question, I will be ignored till the max..
2) I will be asked to answer most of the questions till the max..
2 forms of revenge.. (*,*)
Wish me all the best.. But at least I did my work..
Mousy dissection video...
Lecturer fail lar.. cut the blood vessels ample of times, the rat bled to death.. haha...
sorry yea.. video quality not good.. cause using the phone and then trying to pay attention to what lecturer is cutting.. haha.. btw, evil laughter is from me, talk a lot oso from me.. hahaha... (^^) im very noisy one.. hahhaa...
Beautiful car..
Yikes.. quite blur.. but never mind...
Just take a look at the car.. there's a balloon at the side, 'My name is Kong' on the wind screen, and there are actually a lot more drawings at the side windows, but did not get to take that, on a rush for lunch.. haha... there are 2 heart shapes on the headlights too.. imagine yourself yea?
This car belongs to a chemistry lecturer, Ms Kong.. To everyone, she is the cutest.. (^^)
Wanna know who are the culprits?
I knew you would think like that.. not students lar...
Lecturers.. not very which are the ones, but so far I know these few..
1) Mr Tian KW
2) Mr Ong KW (nvr realised same initials, except for the surname..)
3) Mr Lau MC ( not millenial court.. it can't walk nor hold paint cans..)
4) Ms Wong LS ??
Mr Foo says he is innocent, I believe him.. haha.. these are the few lecturers that I was told.. hahaha... Interesting?
Hahaha... sure thing..
Ratty Killers and Baby Ratty photo.. (^^)

This is me... you cannot actually see the scalpel.. hahah... but I look fat in lab coats..

This angle you can see me trying to split the rat into two.. hahaha... so nice to dissect..

another angle for you to see me trying to open up everything inside.. enjoying myself..

here is the baby mousy.. the red thing is the umblical cord.. isn't it cute? very small..
hehe.. come.. let's post for a picture.. the small one at the side is the baby, the big one is not the mother..
Enjoy the photos.. haha.. keep your appetite.. (^^)
I'm a rat murderer!!
Fuyoh!! Cool wei.. I enjoyed it so much.. it was like the most enjoyable thing in my whole life!!
I would like to say 'Poor rat!!', but then I can't.. cause I am wishing that I could get another one to dissect. It was so fun.. Layer by layer, layer by layer... Cut the skin, and then cut the muscle, and then.... Hahahhaahahaha... It is so fun!! Can't describe... If only I can do it again.. but I am lack of mouse.. hahaha.. not enough mousy..
Wonder will Mr Tian allow me to do the demonstration for the other class? So that I get a chance to dissect again.. woohoo... I don't mind dissecting him either... But I would probably penetrate the bones easily.. chiu.. ^^ Btw, talking about that, because of Mr Tian's carelessness, I got a feel of the intestine on my head.. Eeww.. it dirtied my hair, not obvious, but it did.. hahaha... anyway, good experience.. got slapped by intestine.. (^^)
And then there were babies in some of the mousies.. And they are damn cute!!! Hahahaha... too bad they don't get to live la, hah? hahaha.. anyways, it was so interesting, I thought I might wanna dissect them too, but then their guardian, Mr Tian the lecturer decided to curse those who are being merciless, so no chance lar.. hahaha.. but then, how I wish.. hahaha.. so nice.. so cool.. so amazing.. so incredible.. hahahaha.. I enjoyed it so much!!!
I will try to load some photos here next time.. hahaha... photo with my friends now.. hehe.. (^^)
k lar.. update later.. (^^)
Personality test?
Tiring day.. but still not too tired to post something here..
The other day, we did a personality test, and obviously there will be 4 different groups. Hmm.. I find it quite accurate, but then not everything is correct.
However, I discovered that I am the domineering type of people, which means that I am those who are straight-forward, bossy, not easy to deal with person, and tend to be very loud and leader-like or dictator type person. I have to say that I don't deny at all this fact, and in fact it tells that people like me are not people-oriented and thus not easy to be friends with people.
It is true.. Yea Mr Ong, u r right. I am not a person who is good with people, and I don't deny that fact, cause I am this kind of people. But then, I changed a lot already. Last time I was like the a crazy person. Whew~
Thank God I made a lot of changes.
Now thinking of it, I better find a job next time which suits my personality, but I still like my dad use to say to me
'U should be your own boss!'..
Yea.. I like the sound of that.. wahahahahaha... be my own boss.. (^^)