Korean Language and a Cuckoo Bird!
Well.. Korean language is korean language, nothing there. Cuckoo bird simply refers to me. Means I'm going cuckoo learning this language. Lol...
It ain't difficult I thought, but it seems that there are somethings that I just can't get it, especially the words and their pronounciation. They are so difficult to read and the letters just ain't letters.
Oh boy... will work hard on that and try to get it right, if I ever plan to go somewhere else when I graduate. But at least, I get an extra advantage next time when I get out to work. Lol..
Japanese is easier, a little only, but then when the chinese characters appear, then I'm stuck, because I won't be able to know how the characters sound in Japanese because the characters usually don't come with it's japanese characters to tell you the pronounciation, and mandarin readings just ain't right.
Whahaha... I guess it is a little to slow for me to learn new languages, but I won't give up...
I wanna make sure I learn this foreign language and be able to communicate with it.. ( boy.. that's gonna take me years... Elp! )
This is REALLY LONG....
* Bold the statement that are true to you.
* Italicize the statement that you wish were true.
* Leave those fibs alone.
* Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.
I'm 170cm+ tall. ( am I?? I don't know! )
I don't know what I want at the moment. ( oo.. I know.. I want a lot of money, and I want a smart looking boyfriend and oo oo ... I want to shop till I drop, and oo oo... SLEEP! )
I'm not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
He drives.
I'm bored of driving.
I have a white handbag.
I love dancing.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit. (then I can save up a lot.. )
I have a tattoo of a star.
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs.
90% of my friends smoke.
I'm studying Fashion.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons. ( u hate cartoons? go bang the wall.... I LOVE CARTOONS!! They don't DIE!)
I hate someone.
I have 10 Guess handbags.
I buy PLAYBOY/PLAYGIRL every month.
I don't have faith in the current "one". ( I don't even have 1/2 to say this statement )
My schoolmates know about my blog.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
I love rock emo bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
I'm a rebel. ( Sometimes.. Okay, quite most of the time... LOL)
I started wearing dresses. ( I LOVE DRESSES! Although I don't fit in right most of the time..=)
I don't believe in love. ( What?!?!?!)
High school's filled with drama.
My parents have faith in me. ( have faith in me to not poison them with my fried rice... ^^)
I've bought shoes this month.
A blogger bitched about me before.
I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs. ( If I see a bear, I will run.. LOL!!! )
People should start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have cool hair. ( at least I think it is cool! )
One Utama is my second home.
I'm a guy.
I'm scare of my Biology exam.
I hate vacations.
We'll last.
I believe in long distance relationships.
I'm going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
I've robbed an old lady.
I'm starting to like applying make-up. ( it's been quite some time... hahaha )
I was stupid.
At times I think I still am a stupid.
I love bitching about people behind their backs.
I hate surprise party.
I hate planning parties.
I'm a sinner.
I have a Wii.
I can live without music.
Video games are a waste of time.
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love.
I know how to cook. ( If only I could be a chef in my own kitchen... )
I have 100% freedom.
I hate Math.
I love horror films.
I'm happy with what I have.
I slept in my parents' room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
My old friends keep in touch with me.
I don't read newspapers.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can't live without make-up. ( well.. not always.. depends on what.. mascara is a must... concealer to conceal what needs to be concealed and is concealable is needed!! MUST MUST MUST!)
I curse like a pirate.
I'm happy with my 11 year old car.
I hate people that are smart.
I love Apple juice.
I can't drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I've got a new phone.
I'm going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love clubbing.
I haven't worked out since March. ( thinking about it.. have I even worked out? yea.. my diaphragm.. SINGING! )
I love my friends and family.
I'm hot. ( I think I'm hot... like a chilli.. just to make myself happy.. LOL!)
I'm sexy. ( for perasan sake.. just to make myself happy... )
Update 1
Just came back from a camp, and I would say that the camp was pretty refreshing and quite a good experience. At least, I can get out from my busy schedule and life for a little while. Enjoyed myself quite a lot, except for a few things, especially the flying flies. Bet cause we were pretty near to the beach and the food attracted the flies to come and feast with us. LOL..
Well, just finished a video shoot today, and I wouldn't say that it went very well, because I was pretty intimidated by the seniors and I could not really perform the job and obligations of a director well enough. Pretty disappointed in myself, and I have another one coming on Sunday morning. After this, everything will be editing and a whole lot of headaches to follow suit. I am pretty worried about what is going to happen throughout this whole production, and wondering if the video will even be a success. I don't even have any mood for driving lessons now that I have this matter in my brain. But I guess that I should just follow the flow for the moment and pray that everything will go smoothly and within expectations.
Now I am sitting at Halo Restaurant and bless those musicians playing up there on the stage. They are so blasting away my ear drums at the moment, and my table is shaking while I'm typing. Whew... my heart is pumping along with the beat of the drums. Heart attack almost. LOL... I'm here to try the food basically and hopefully I will be able to put up something great about the food here. Eating something which I don't quite remember the name, but it's noodles.
So, gonna sign off for a moment and try the food dy.
Later then.....
Questions and Answers
What am I doing at the moment with one more month of holiday left?
Well, I'm currently working on a video for our orientation in Uni for the new intakes. So... will be on the laptop for quite some time starting this week. And I will be going for a camp at Port Dickson and right after that, I will be back in KL to continue another video production which is for publicity. We are going to have a very interesting competition in the next semester, which is the January semester, so right now we are in the middle of preparing our publicity stuff. Hehehe... I'm in charge of doing the video, and I sure hope that it will be good and effective enough. Hehehe... and then I am taking up driving lessons too! Shivering in my pants. SO scary...
Who is going to join me for the production thingy?
Simple.. those who are interested in doing this video stuff and I already have 2 friends who wanna come and join me and be my PA, means to pack this and that. LOL! Angeline and Alyssa!!!! Hope you gurls will learn something if you really wanna join us. Hahaha... gonna get the equipments first though... ^^
What happened to me lately?
1 thing for sure is that my hardisk (internal) boomed and now I got a new one, and all my stuff went missing too. Hehe... And then, I am running on a financial crisis, because I dumped too much money out for buying art stuff hoping to be able to DIY with room decoration. Hahaha... Failed at the moment. ^^ and then, I am trying to take up korean language, hoping that I will have an extra language in hand which might be a good advantage. ^^
So what do I hope for from now on?
Nothing much, just a good rest and hope that I will be able to pass my driving in 2 months time (don't fail please......). And then I hope that I will be able to practice my singing because I wanna join UTAR Idol!! Lol.. and then I want the event that we are going to organize be a great success. ^^
That's all. Back to work! ^^
Nothing but Something
I decided to grab myself a cup of coffee and sit down to think about life.
I've always been on the go, and all the time I go 'Fast, fast, fast' or 'I want it done. Now!'. I have always been on the quick pace and I never slowed down to enjoy what this life has to offer. In my hectic life and busy schedules, I knew I neglected many things. I neglected the importance of relationships with people all around me and spending quality time with those I treasure and love most. I neglected myself and never gave myself a good enough getaway from all the busyness of life. Even during my holidays, I did a lot and slept lesser and lesser. I wonder, if I were to go on like this, will I be able to hang on long enough until I really get to enjoy my life? Or will I die a premature death due to the fact that I could not even care enough for my own health and live right?
I have always loved singing and acting, and this year, other than assignments and things constantly in my hands, I never had the chance to really sing my heart out like I used to. I thought I could not find the time at all. But sometimes, God knows when I need something. I quit my job, and now I am at home deserving a good rest, and other than enjoying my Photoshop sessions on my laptop, I finally had the chance to really sing my heart out in my own room.
Do you even know how it feels to be able to find back that feeling of release and enjoyment in doing something that you really enjoy?? Singing again and again and allowing myself to drown in the beauty of the melody of the songs and music, and let its magic play its part. Just like my younger days.
I have another 2 more months of holiday now. Although financial problems can never cease coming and never fails to add extra headaches, I am still going to enjoy myself with Photoshop while listening to my old-time favorites ( LOL! ) and singing along. Not forgetting the EATING part of it... Oh boy.. I bet I will be a few inches thicker and larger in diameter the next time I get back to University.. Lol... But, that's life right?
Don't those words just seem great? Eat starts with 'E' and Fat starts with 'F'. 'E' and 'F' have only one stroke's difference. But.... It does not make sense. Lol... Eat has the extra stroke, but Fat has one stroke less. Eat more and u get a stroke less? What am I saying? I don't know!! Lol...
Forget about it.. Time for LUNCH! Tada...
* Realize it.. until here, you would be wondering... 'Why is this girl getting more and more hyper towards the end of the post?? Hmm..... Chocolates?' (^_=)*
Products of 2 days of Boredom

Tada! The end...
More wisdom gone
Another WISDOM TOOTH gone! Sobs...
I had a bad sore at the side of my cheeks for a few days now, and today, I decided to pay a visit to the dentist. Well, I thought that I would just need to take some medication for some kind of infection or so, but it turns out that I am going to have my wisdom tooth extracted. Oh well.. Guess that was it, just there and then I lose a tooth. Fast.. Gone so fast...
Lately I've been busy working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. What do you expect from a promoter's job? 9 to 5? Lolz... Sales ain't that good.. Economy's ain't that good either right? Heh.. So I guess I will have to live with the fact that I won't be earning much from this job. Just a new experience.
SO... Yea.. Today I get a day off after I get a tooth off.. Wanna get more rest now..
Well, this is still the incomplete version of the video we produced, but still, you can watch and get a glimpse of it ( if u do not know mandarin... )
This is a video which is real to most young people nowadays, and at the same time we did not forget the modern days society, of how people live these days. ( super hot modern mums <> and also tremendous work and competition among students... bla bla bla )
I will try to give the link to the complete version with subtitles. ^^ Till then, enjoy this la.. ^^
Hope you get the abstractness somewhere around there... ^^
One update!
Well, we had our 48 hours challenge and I wouldn't say that it was all that great a success, but then it is great to see people scattered around in the video editing room sleeping in all kinds of position. HAhahaha... That is something which I don't always get the chance to see. Some sleeping on the table, some laying their head on the table, some brought sleeping bag and slept on the floor, some literally did not sleep much the whole night and got cranky ( THAT'S ME ! )
Hehehe... I will go into the cranky part later, but just wanna say that it was not easy to keep awake. I had a great headache right after that and took a long rest. Hehe...
Our video is named LifeLost ( or LostLife? ) .. And it will be up on youtube pretty soon. Once I get it, I will post up the URL and maybe include the video here. Do look forward to this video, because you will be enjoying my acting. But one reminder, please stay cool... It is just a video and everything inside is major fiction, nothing is real. Hehe.. Don't get too involved, because you might later on end up scolding me in front of your computer, like the members from the other group who watched the video. That was really funny to hear them scolding.. Hahaha... ^^ My acting is way too good, eh?? Lalala... Anyway, look forward to the video.. Coming very very soon!
Just now I said something about cranky... Yea.. that's me..
Well, it was very tiring actually.. The fact we just finished our exams and then I was actually disappointed when some people flew my aeroplane ( which means missed their appointment or did not keep the promise of doing something in Cantonese... = fong fei kei ).. They promised to come for the event, and ended up not being there.
Disappointment + fatigue = possible volcano eruption
So, I'm the volcano, and I was almost erupting that day. However, I tried to keep it cool the whole day and try not to erupt into flames and larva. We went through the shooting with almost everything being just fine ( except the fact that a person like me is always such a bossy and near-perfectionist person, and somehow am not shy and afraid to scold and sound people for their mistakes and for things they cannot do.. ).. Hehehe... However, things ain't going so well anymore when the night came, where everybody stayed around in the video editing room. I was way too tired and I got annoyed and irritated when people keep talking to me and saying things that I do not want to hear, so I erupted a little. Well, not many people understand and know that my mood swings like a roller coaster ride when I am physically and mentally fatigued. Thus, I cannot blame that person and also feel bad that he did not know.
But the next day ain't so good. I dislike it when people do not know when is the time to do something and when it is not. The whole day, we were thinking about the music we can include inside, and somehow, we could not whip out any from the collection which our university bought the copyrights from. Thus we had to create our own. However, there was someone who kept holding on to the microphone and sang. When I got back from my house, ( I left for home before that ), I was annoyed to find that not much progress was made, despite the fact that it was already an hour since I left. I talked to the person recording and finally found the reason why there was not much progress. The reason is as mentioned. Somebody's beem holding on to the microphone. I told that person off a few times, but that person just would not stop. Do you even know how annoying that is?????? Whoosh...
But, in the midst of this boss punya crankyness, I would say that everything was still ok. I'm just glad that everything is over now.. whew...
We included pouring water on the whole table for our video, and turning it into semi-horror video, when it was supposed to be. WOW... totally away from our actual plan. But, I liked it.. hehe...
Well... coming soon... coming soon.. you will be able to view it soon...
Love languages QUIZ!
Score | Love Language |
2 | Words of Affirmation |
10 | Quality Time |
2 | Receiving of Gifts |
9 | Acts of Service |
7 | Physical Touch |
How to interpret your Profile Score: | |
Your highest score indicates your primary love language. Your second highest score indicates your secondary love language. If two scores are identical, you are bilingual (you have two primary love languages). If the scores of your primary and your secondary language are close (for example, 10 & 9 respectfully), it indicates both are important to you. Whatever a significant other does to express love in either of these languages will get emotional points with you. The highest possible score for any language is 12. | |
Having a clear picture of your primary & secondary love languages will explain much of your past behavior Think back over the past and ask yourself "What have I most often requested from significant others?" Chances are your answer will lie within the scope of your primary & secondary love languages. You have been requesting that which would meet your deepest need for emotional love. http://greaterquest.com/LoveLanguages.asp |
Oo Yea.... Finally...
Our proposal.. beloved proposal..
Hehehe... we are kinda having a 48 hours challenge, organized by Film Club, and I'm proudly ( or not... ) the organizing chair for this particular event.
Well, what is this 48 hours challenge all about?
It is basically coming out with a video production within 48 hours. Including all these...>
1. Concept ( what are ur ideas? according to the theme of course... )
2. Storyline ( characters... script... bla bla bla... don't forget to include that something which is compulsory.. will letcha know.. hehe )
3. Shooting ( yeay.. cameras, ready to roll!!! hey u! ya u! Get to position, u wanna be on cam or not? come on... wat happened to ur make up???? )
4. Traveling around ( petrol mahal I know, but... hehe.. well.. u can stay in campus if u wan... ^^ )
5. Editing ( yea yea.. this is important... gotta wait to capture the video.. gotta start working on ur clips and footages.. gotta get everything in perfect order.. whoo hoo.. not easy... hehehe )
6. Pass UP!! ( time's up everybody!!! yeap! here here... video here... ^^ )
well.. there may be some other things in the middle.. but.. hehe... i dont remember la..
So these are what they need to do.. and I will be moving around and taking my time while they work hard to produce them. Hahaha... I would really love to see what will come out.
Hope more people will join this challenge. It is such a great opportunity for a great experience!! Imagine that sense of accomplishment. It would be so great!
^^ 19th - 21st of Sept... This date is marked for great things.. hehhe... I'm sure we will all enjoy eh? ^^
Is it possible?
This morning, or more like afternoon, I went to check my assignment and midterm marks, and I thought they were fine until I got home to count. So... Let me write down some mathematics equation here.
Let's set the marks during finals that I need to score as 'y'. The finals take up 60% of course.
y= 76.6666666
= 77%!!!!!
The other one is also the same, just that the coursework marks are 80/100 only. So, let's count that one. ( Coursework takes 40% and finals take 60%, variable for finals will be 'z' )
z= 80%!!!
I'm really going to cry my tears away now... Sobs.....
This serves 2 points here. One, is to teach you mathematics, and primarily is to tell you, I WANNA CRY.....!!! ( If I did my maths right.... ??? )
Mushroom Fever

I'm having mushroom fever..!!
I'm loving mushrooms.. Tasty.. Tasty... cute.. cute...
Lately, I have been craving over button mushrooms and bread! Button mushrooms between 2 pieces of bread, heated with a little bit of butter.. WAAAHHHH!! Nyam nyam.. I love it! I love the mushroom... I like the bread.. Ooo..
Mushrooms are so cute.. They have big head and small bodies... ( I'm pretty much the opposite... Big body, small head ) And they can umbrella themselves ( I can if I walk the other way round..)
Ooo.. Don't they look adorable? Yea.. Mushrooms.. They look good, and taste even better! Wahaha..
Pass By - UTAR Drama and Public Speaking
No no no! I'm not passing by... I'm here to write a review.
'PASS BY' is basically a stage play/drama produced by UTAR Drama and Public Speaking Society. It was held on 27th August 2008 ( Wednesday ). This stage play is directed by the Vice Chairperson of the club, Choo Mun Bel, or better known as Belz.
The story revolves around a triangular relationship with mixture of different character. Paul has a wife with 2 children, yet he is having an affair with another women who is very materialistic. He eventually bumped into his wife who is working in a jewelery shop and an emotional conflict happened between Paul and his wife and also the lady he is having an affair with. Paul left his wife with the reason that she was not there for him, eventhough his wife helped him pay off his debts from his previous bankruptcy.
The play in overall is interesting. The storyline is done in a flashback kind of way, and thus it is something considered fresh and new, so thumbs up for that. Different characters, ranging from flirtatious to firm, are well presented. Good effect of sound and visual. The play includes comedic characters which played their role well. Good presentation of expression in emotions from most actors and actresses.
However, the storyline is considered a cliche to most love stories. The ending could be a little more creative. Even so, the ending can be considered as a fine ending, acceptable. Certain details were left out. Although very minor, but should look into that. Grammatical errors should be corrected in the script. This play does not seem well enough for whole lot of grammatical errors, except for the character that portrays the fact that she does not know English that well.
Even so, I can say that this play is quite a success as it is able to engage it's audience in the emotions of the characters. I believe that they can be better the next time and good job to those who are involved.
Thumbs up still!
Rating: 3.5 - 4 ( 5 stars system )
I watched Wall-E today with my friends at 1 Utama.
Well, I wouldn't say that it was all that good, but it sure was funny! Robots and humans. Haha.. I think there is more to this animated movie than just being a movie. Here are some lessons learnt:
Lesson 1
Love your planet!
Lesson 2
Do not sit all day and enjoy life without a single movement. ( you'll understand why )
Lesson 3
Never give up
Hahaha... just some stuff, but lesson one sure is important! ^^
Will be having my final exam after 2 weeks, so wish me luck la... ^^ Wondering where to work after that ( 3 months ).. Hopefully I will be able to find a good job with good pay. Muahahaha.....
Gotta go.. will come back with more updates about my life and thoughts.. Tata!
Hehehe... but anyway, just finished watching the badminton match, and SAKIT HATI ( HEARTACHE) !!!!
Lee Chong Wei against Lin Dan in the badminton match was like a defenseless rabbit against a carnivorous tiger. I watched until I felt like crying. Aihz.. but our warrior did his best, at least we have a silver medal. Lin Dan is way too fast and alert and it is almost impossible for anyone to beat him in this game. Aihz.. Malaysia, work harder la....
Exams coming le, and I am having loads of worries because I am still having fun and enjoying myself. Now, I am trying ( really just trying ) to work hard and study and hopefully be able to catch up on my studies before the finals come.
Let me babble and release my anger a bit here. I am very disappointed with UTAR students, basically the seniors who are one semester older than me and holding positions within the club I am in but too busy to even handle it and is putting the whle club as if down the drain. It is as if the club is so dead, and somehow to me, the president ain't that responsible as I hoped he would be. Very disappointed, very very ultimately disappointed. If he cannot hold it and do it well, I suggest he step down and find himself a new successor. For goodness sake...
Last but not least, I wanna go on diet liao!!! Growing horizontally liao... So, need to cut down on unessacary eating and try to keep a nice body shape. Hehe.. at least, a nicer body shape. Mm hm!
Diet... diet... diet.. diet...
Call me Crazy!
Call me crazy... Why?
Cause suddenly this week I felt like buying a bikini, and I ended up buying it. We were roaming and loitering around in 1 Utama, walked until my feet hurt and finally found one. Lol.... Really...It's kinda crazy for me to buy it since I don't think that I am really going to wear it much anyway. Hoho... The only thing I will do with it is wear and swim with my girl-friend. That maybe... Hahaha... We walked and eat the whole time in 1 Utama, and mmhmm! I think I'm growing way side-ways! Hahaha.. time to cut on the food next week and go for more exercise. ^^
Yesterday went swimming with her in the pool inside her condominium, and there's only one word to describe the whole experience - COLD! It was really really cold, maybe because the swimming pool is not on ground floor??? But the wind was blowing like mad and once we got into the pool and got used to it, we don't wanna get up anymore because when you get up, the wind starts blowing and it's freezing. Hahaha... But it's such a long time since I last dipped into the pool, so it was kinda fun and cool. Lol...
Then we went for mamak ( indian restaurant ) at night for our dinner. We went to Murni's at SS2, and I ordered nasi goreng seafood ( seafood fried rice ) Rm10. Very nice, very filling. My friend ordered spaghetti meatballs RM10++, and it was also very feeling. AT night we went to a boutique to look at some clothes before I headed back home. My stomach was bloated because of the food, and when I tried on a dress, I looked like a pregnant lady. Hahahaha.... We both looked like one anyway. Hahaha...
It was fun.. Waiting to go get another swim .. Addicted to the pool dy.. haha ( also addicted to the Mr bean's teddy bear in my friend's room... )
When all boils down to..
Yeappidy yeap..
I see a lot of people who really achieve a lot out there and they really seem to be able to do so many things which are just beyond my own imagination. They always say ' think outside the box', but no matter how hard I try, it just seems to me that each time I try to think outside the box, the box gets a whole lot bigger and u just can't go beyond it!
So, I decided to draw an early conclusion that no matter how hard you try, there must be a percentage of talent there in order for you to really make it big out there.. Tremendous creativity and imagination are talents which are so KEWL, but at the same time, I do not have much of that, and the only thing I probably have would be dramaticness and evil laughter much.. Anywhere would use that?? Yea.. Cartoons maybe..
Now, I am looking out to those who are really great and am searching for my inspiration. With that very small percentage of talent I have inside this small bottle me, I will try to make it great and hopefully this tiny little talent will grow to become a big banging talent.
WHoosh... OO yea...
Pertandingan Pidato Integriti
I can now proudly announce that, THE EVENT IS OVER!! MUAHAHAHAHA...
Lately I have been very stressed up, because of this. Haha.. and now that it is over, it is such a relief to me. Hahaha..
And to make myself prouder, I turned out the champion for the competition. Hahaha... Bangga ( proud ) la.. hahahahhaa... It's good thing to be proud about anyways.. Heh.. and Congrats to Jonathan as the first runner-up and Hui Hsing as the 2nd-runner up! (^^) It's a great experience. (^^)
Here is the trophy.. ^^So, my script is as below la... haha.. if ya know Malaysian Language, do enjoy it.. Hohoho...
‘Sebab nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga’
Salam sejahtera saya ucapkan kepada Dekan Fakulti Sastera dan Sosial Sains, Ketua Jabatan, pensyarah-pensyarah Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, para hakim yang adil lagi bijaksana dan rakan-rakan yang saya hormati. Pada petang ini, tajuk pidato saya ialah ‘Rasuah dalam kalangan Kakitangan Awam’.
Sebelum saya mendalami topik ini, izinkan saya menjelaskan beberapa istilah perkataan yang penting. Yang pertama, rasuah. Rasuah, dalam Kamus Dewan Edisi Baru, didefinisikan sebagai permberian yang menumbuk rusuk. Yang kedua ialah kakitangan awam yang boleh kita fahamkan sebagai pekerja yang bekerja dalam jabatan-jabatan kerajaan dan berkhidmat untuk orang awam. Dewasa ini, gejala rasuah bagaikan penyakit barah yang kian menular dan membimbangkan pelbagai pihak. Dari semasa ke semasa, kita mendengar tentang kes-kes makan suap yang melibatkan kakitangan-kakitangan awam di
Salah satu faktor dominan ialah kehilangan nilai diri dan pegangan agama yang kuat. Akibat dorongan nafsu serakah yang inginkan kekayaan dan kemewahan, individu-individu ini tidak dapat mengawal diri menerima wang sogokan yang kelihatan begitu lumayan. Faktor ini didorong lagi dengan kelemahan dari segi kepimpinan dan organisasi sesebuah jabatan yang membawa kepada kelemahan dari segi penyeliaan kakitangan-kakitangannya. Kelemahan ini umpama mewujudkan celah pada dinding untuk ular yang bisa. Kelemahan ini memberi ruang dan peluang untuk individu-individu menjangkiti penyakit sosial ini.
Setahu saya, setiap perbuatan ada kesannya yang tersendiri, dan rasuah membawa padah kepada seseorang individu dan juga sesebuah negara. Negara diibaratkan sebagai organisma, kakitangan-kakitangannya umpama sel-sel badan. Apabila seseorang individu melibatkan diri dengan rasuah, mereka hanya dilihat sebagai orang yang membawa keburukan dan kemusnahan seperti sel-sel badan yang dijngkiti barah. Mereka kehilangan maruah diri dan juga rasa hormat orang ramai terhadap mereka. Individu-individu ini sudah tentunya bekerja dengan jabatan-jabatan tertentu yang saya samakan dengan organ-organ dalam sebuah organisma. Jikalau setiap sel dalam organ tersebut dijangkiti dengan penyakit, organ itu tidak akan berfungsi dan mekanisma seluruh organisma akan lumpuh. Dengan illustrasi ini, kita boleh lihat dengan jelas bahawa jika gejala rasuah terus berleluasa, pentadbiran seluruh negara akan lumpuh, ekonomi dan politik negara menjadi kacau-bilau, dan rakyat jelata akan sengsara. Adakah ini masa depan
Hadirin sekalian,
Saya pasti bahawa masa depan sebegini bukanlah yang diidam-idamkan. Oleh itu, kita mesti mencari strategi-strategi untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Badan-badan kerajaan seperti Badan Pencegah Rasuah perlu menggiatkan lagi peranan mereka dalam usaha membanteras gejala rasuah ini. Pelan Integriti Nasional yang diwujudkan pada 23 April 2004 oleh Yang Amat Berbahagia Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi untuk membentuk sebuah masyarakat yang berintegriti harus dilaksanakan dan bukan kekal sebagai perkataan-perkataan cantik di atas kertas sahaja. Sungguhpun kerajaan mempunyai peranan mereka, namun semua warga juga mempunyai tanggungjawab dalam usaha menentang penyakit sosial ini. Selaku insan yang berintegriti, kita juga harus mempunyai nilai diri dan pegangan agama yang kuat, mengelakkan diri daripada memberi wang sogokan sebagai jalan pintas untuk mendapat sesuatu faedah. Jika kita tidak memberi, maka rasuah tidak akan berlaku.
Hadirin sekalian,
Bak kata pepatah ‘ hendak seribu daya, tidak hendak seribu dalih’. Selagi kita mempunyai niat untuk melakukan sesuatu, biarpun betapa mustahilnya, kita tetap berusaha untuk mencapainya. Maka, mari kita berganding bahu untuk menjadikan
Sekian terima kasih.
No Return
It's playing on the radio
I hear my heart beating faster
With the thought of you
It's dawning a brand new day
And you are still not here
Are you coming home
Are you coming home
Breakfast is laid on the table
With a cup of tea
You said ' no milk, no sugar, nothing
Keep it simple for me'
I did it as you wished
But you are still not here
Are you coming home?
Are you coming home?
You sent a letter with a single red rose
You said you'll make it back home safe and sound
I kept that promise in my heart for years
And you are still not here
Have you broken it?
That promise you made to me?
I hear the song
It's playing on the radio
I hear my heart beating faster
With the thought of you
It's dawning a brand new day
And you are still not here
Are you coming home?
Are you coming home?
Breakfast is laid on the table
With a cup of tea
You said ' no milk, no sugar, nothing
Keep it simple for me'
I did it as you wished
But you will never be here
You won't be coming home..
You will never come home..
The story behind this is about a wife who sent her husband out to war and before the husband left, he promised that he will return. But, years have passed, and the only thing the wife ever received was a letter with a rose. In the letter, her husband said that the war is ending, and he will soon be home. But unfortunately, he perished before the war ended. And thus, the breakfast laid on the table, the husband will never return, and the only thing the wife can do is listen to the song, that love song that she and her husband set as their song.
All inside my imagination... (^^) Nothing real to it....
A Reminiscence
' We came to YES to become more Ho'o'ly ( Ho 'o' ly )
We named our group Christendom like Chrysanthemum ( mmm... )
And we gave ourselves a few funky names ( doom doom doom )
Guchi knock Benny
Gary Johnny Dexy
Geline Shrek Penguin
Genie Rachie Wei Li Yippie
Jesus, Son of God, He died and resurrected
Now we preach and sing, of how he cleansed our sins! '
This was the jingle we made in YES, and it had the names of everyone in our group. Hahaha... very funny now, after so long, and it brings back memories.
BUt everything has changed. It is all different now....
My month and ME!
-Pick your birth month
-Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you
-Bold the five-ten that best apply to you
-Copy to your own journal, with all twelve months
MARCH: Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves travelling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.
For everyone!!!!!
JANUARY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very stubborn and money cautious.
FEBRUARY: Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizes dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
MARCH: Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves travelling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.
APRIL: Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.
MAY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.
JUNE: Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.
JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
AUGUST: Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride in oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.
SEPTEMBER: Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.
OCTOBER: Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to take things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.
NOVEMBER: Has a lot of ideas. Difficult to fathom. Thinks forward. Unique and brilliant. Extraordinary ideas. Sharp thinking. Fine and strong clairvoyance. Can become good doctors. Dynamic in personality. Secretive. Inquisitive. Knows how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative but amiable. Brave and generous. Patient. Stubborn and hard-hearted. If there is a will, there is a way. Determined. Never give up. Hardly becomes angry unless provoked. Loves to be alone. Thinks differently from others. Sharp-minded. Motivates oneself. Does not appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built and tough. Deep love and emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest and keeps secrets. Not able to control emotions. Unpredictable.
DECEMBER: Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egotistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.
Now I am having a whole mind of regrets because I unintentionally put myself in a competition, and what is that called??
'Pertandingan Pidato Integriti'
The only thing I can say is.. Goodness gracious.. It's been quite some time since I last spoke in Bahasa Malaysia ( Malaysian Language ) and now you put me up in front of a group of people and express my points?? Good time and opportunity for a tremendous embarrassment. Aihz..
Then I heard there is a UTAR Idol coming up, still contemplating whether or not to go... Hmm.. Can I manage my time, that's the question.. Aihz... Sad sad.. It's already mid-term and I am yet to really study right..
Youth Awareness Weekend is over, and I am glad that it is over. And I have a lot of other things linig up, and the only thing I want now is to be able to get a peaceful beauty sleep.
Yea yea... How come I still have time to blog?? well, so that it won't stay stagnant and people start wondering if the owner of the blog is DEAD...
Anyway, I watched Horton Hears a Who today.. The only thing I like now is the elephant. Damn cute! Big big round round, innocent and yet so great! (^^) I wanna be Horton.. Hoooorrrrttttoooonnn... Ooooooo...
But there's a mouse called Morton.. I wonder why is it blue?? Too much blueberry??? ==||| Cute mouse.. And I hate the kangaroo..
but the Whoville people are so cute.. why?? They have cute feet!!! Hehehe.. their feet are like leaves, but fluffy leaves.. CUUUTTTEEE!!!
Ok la.. I wanna drown myself in Whoville memories... But more to Sleepville... Travel by train there...
So tata.. Nites!
On Friday ( 27th June 2008 ), my friends and I finally went to the studio and finish up the final part of the whole documentary, that is the narration. We went to the studio which I work at ( got special rate ma... ).
But before that, we went over the Leisure Mall and loiter around for a little while. We delayed for an hour because the client before us did not leave. Supposedly 3pm, we ended up starting at 4pm. Anyways, no problem. We just hung around in Leisure Mall. (^^) We did not do much there. Spent some time walking around, trying to find the magazine I want, and went over to a shop to get some dessert. (^^) Accompanied my friend to get washing powder and bla bla bla..
Back to the recording. Hmm... I guess it was an experience for my friends who have not been to an actual studio for recording.
First and foremost, we recorded the narration. Hui Hsing and I took turns recording. Well, my boss ended up saying that we did not sound happy enough. Lol... (^^) It did not make him feel like going to Melaka with the narration we had. So did a little change in intonation and mood, and sounded much better. (^^) Hehe... narration was easy to record. It's all talking. Lol..
But the tougher part is during the song recording. Hui Hsing took some time to get the ending proper and presentable, and while recording the first track of guitar, boss suggested that we record another guitar track to make it sound more stereo and thus be able to cover up mistakes. On the other hand, able to save time and energy as well. (^^) Boss is pro, u know?? haha.. So we did. And yeap! Sounded a lot better .. (^^) Hui Hsing pretty much enjoyed himself I suppose. Listening back to your own playing brings a great feeling of accomplishment.
The same goes for listening back to your own singing. But it was more like being embarrassed actually. Haha... It took me some time to really make it sound a lot better, but somehow I think that it still ain't nice. But since this is just a first time, so I guess I can pardon myself for not doing such a great job. haha.. but the experience was worth it all, it was fun and adrenaline-rushing cool! haha... Now that I have another song, I hope that I will be able to work it out and make it good. (^^) Till then, I still need the musician for the music. Haha..
Anyways, this is all. It is really great and I hope that we all enjoyed ourselves. (^^)
Alright.. Gonna work on some stuff..
A couple of things
Firstly, was doing video editing over and over again, and the funny thing is that each time after I edit the video, the time gets shorter and shorter and eventually it came to around 5 minutes and yet the timeline in the editor is more than 7 minutes. Other than confused, I have no other feelings nor thoughts. But anyway anyhow, everything is going fine and I am enjoying it, and the video is finally completed. (^^) That's a good thing... More sleep now.
Exams are coming, and I am yet to really bury myself in studying, so am getting slightly worried. Well, it is important that I get good grades during the mid-term test so that I do not have to worry much about my finals since good grades during the mid-term is going to help boost up the overall grades. Aihz... getting lazy, but gonna push myself and force myself to work hard now. Oosh...
Yesterday, means Friday, met up with Sau Yip for breakfast. Been such a long time since I last saw the people from Youth Enrichment School. Don't even know how much everyone has changed, especially appearance-wise. Everyone changed. (^^) Those who can't drive now can drive, and I still can't drive. Lol.. sad fact but fact. (^^) I always have a driver. Haha.. anyways, had a great time chatting and telling stories as if I have not told any for the past years ( I tell storied almost everyday ).. So, great to meet up with people whom I have not met for a long time. Hope to be able to keep in touch with them again.. (^^)
Yawn.. Kinda sleepy while tying this.. Slept a lot, but still sleepy. (^^) So, think I gonna go off and oi oi (zzz) lo.. (**)
Good night everyone....
Video Editting - not fun, but funny
It is not fun, long process and hard work, with a lot of head and brain squeezing for ideas on how to link things together and eye straining to search for the clips to be used to perfect the video. Although the process is long, but it sure is funny!
That is because I can distort voices. How?? Very simple.. a short portion of a person's voice that goes for around 10 seconds, I shorten it to 5 seconds, it becomes funnily sharp! hehe.. like a chipmunk.. Lol..
And then when I go forward and backwards on the portion of the voice, it will go like ' pi pi, pu pu, pi pi, p p, d d..' exactly.. does not make any sense, just a whole lot of funny voices. Hahaha.. that is the fun... lol... kept me laughing.. hehe...
But the rendering process drive me nuts!! Big file, big thing.. long time..
I am actually a tofu.. though I may not seem like it. I am easy to shatter, easy to break, easy to be nibbled, even if you don't have teeth! I'm a tofu, inside....
I can sound really harsh and cruel, and I might sound really bad and that I can really do things which will hurt you real bad, but most of the time, I am a tofu when I am supposed to put it into action. No matter how much I said that I am going to slap you, scold you, kill you, report you or anything, I can never do it.. NO idea why..
So I am a stoney-looking tofu. Never judge a book by its cover, so don't judge a person by the looks. Understand ma??(^^)
Here are some tofu pics.. (^^)

Updates on everything
Well... We reached university around 8am, and guess what, I am the latest! Lol... But the important point is not that, the important point is that we spent almost an hour there trying to shoot the first scene - the beginning. I won't tell how it is, just in case some people are reading this ( lol ! ), but we took 3 times, and the first time was best. That is because the 2nd time the car could not be started, and the third time we got honked at by the other drivers. Lol... It all started out pretty comically..
And it was 2 hours ++ journey to Melaka, and along the wat, we listen to songs and fell asleep! Oh ya.. and the last row of the vehicle is definitely not a good place to sit, because by the time we get up, everybody got an aching back and a cramped legs. Boy.. sounds bad.. But ain't that bad compared to my father's scary driving. Lol.. It had been a long time since he last drove a manual car and this time he is driving us to Melaka, and so... hm.. I leave it to you to imagine the rest. Lol...
So Melaka was fine, but because I was hungry for way too long, I got a little bit of gastric, and then because I did not sleep enough, I got a little cranky, or actually way too cranky and zombie-like.. And by the end of the day, I was way too exhausted to talk to anyone or even eat, and ended up fishing all the way. Can't take it...
But I think the part that I enjoyed most was experimenting my make-up skills on the host. Oh boy! You do not even know my worries when I laid that concealer on his face! wakakaka... I do not quite know how to use it, but anyway, no harm trying right?? Oh ya, if it is not your own face that is.. LOL! So I did, everything! Concealer, then foundation, then winnie bitsy of lip gloss, blusher and whoa la! It was done! Haha.. I think it was quite good, lol.. but then.. wasted effort because by the time the shooting started, everything was kinda washed away by the sweat! Hoho.. but we left the before pictures. Hehehe... (^^)
So that's all about our trip to Melaka.
Now let me go on to my external hard disk. Yeay! I had always wanted to get one, and now I finally have one. Seriously, space in the comp is totally not enough, and I need more storage. So there it is. The brand is NoTouch ( oh yea... no touchy touchy you meddly fingeries.. ) hehe.. it is glossy black with a pepper red base, kinda cool combination! Hoho... 160GB, quite expensive. Hehe... but at least now I can put more things and my video assignment can be done. Hehe..
Well, life is about this much I can say. I don't have much to add anymore. So, till next time!
Assignment Bomb
Aihz... assignment after assignment, some not even sure what to do with it, and now we are all in chaotic mess. Some assignments have too soon a dateline and goodness gracious, how am I supposed to finish it in time. Dear group members, please do the work ya??? (^^)
Anyways, it's been another week, which means classes have commenced for 2 weeks now, and I am still confused. To be honest, I don't remember anything that was taught for the pass week. I wonder what was I doing last week. Dreaming?? Probably...
And I am still yet to remember the names of my coursemates. Lol.. Hopefully will be able to remember all of them by this week.
Aihz... Kinda tired now.. and hope I can cope with it, not forgetting the fact that Mr Flu came to pay a visit. Feeling as if I am lack of oxygen.
Sleep brain now..
Another Tuesday
Japanese class was fine, but I find that the lecturer was a bit soft, and can't really hear her much. Her name is Toshiko Yamaguchi, very soft-spoken lecturer. Real Japanese, can really tell from her spoken english, that very foreign accent that is strongly attached to it. Lol... The language is a little tough, maybe because it is the beginning, so I hope that I will be able to get a better hold of it in the very near future in order to pass with flying colors. This is gonna be tough.
Not forgetting the wonderful subject - Pengajian Malaysia. It's not that it is tough, but when it comes to a lot of thinking and analysing, it is tough. But hope I will be able to do well as well, and hopefully be able to end it during this semester, Oh God!! Don't let me fail, I don't wanna repeat nor retake this subject any longer.
Now to the funny story. Joel sent me home today, and the traffic jam was MASSIVE!! We took a couple of alternative routes. While getting to the main road, Joel was like telling me he could see a very big Vitagen bottle on the road, and I asked him later where it was. Well, funny to say that both of us could not find the bottle anywhere, and I was starting o feel pretty funny. SO I teased him with a spontaneously made song
' The Vitagen bottle, was an illusion.... '
And I went on and on and on until Joel feel like killing me that instant. Lol.. and the air-cond went on and off. Two meddling hands I would say. Lol..
Anyway, now that I am the course-rep, guess I have a lot of work to do. Well, wish me luck and hope I will be able to be the good rep whom they elected.
That's all.
Signing off...
I GOT 4.0!!!
Finally, after the whole year, once in my life I get 4.0... Hahahaha... When I knew about it this morning, I was totally on cloud nine. That was like the best thing ever. And better still, can apply for scholarship!!!
Muahaha.. mum was very happy about it as well, and so we went to have dinner outside today.. Well, kinda long story in the shop we ate, will update about that some other time.
Haha... so, just to share the happiness.
Congratulate me then!!
Muahaha..joking.. well, i'm sure lotsa my friends did well too.
Congrats to all!!
Almost the end
What am I talking about?? My holiday la!! So sad.. starting from next week, I will have to wake up early for classes. Goodness.. Throughout the whole holiday, I felt like a zombie. Not enough sleep, playing non-stop and sleeping lesser and lesser from time to time.
Whatever it is, the biggest worry for me now is my elective course.
We get to choose between Mandarin and Japanese language, and for Mandarin there are 3 different levels. I obviously want to choose Japanese, but I will have to fight for the place because it is only offered to 25 students in for each course. I only have to fight with Broadcasting students though, since advertising students are all in Kampar. (^^) BUt then, first-come-first-serve basis, not going to be simple. If I don't get Japanese, I will have to take Mandarin level 2, and I would rather take Mandarin level 1 ( for people who have no chinese basics, then I can score A for every exam and be the best !! Lol... Sly.. ).. Oh well, we will see how.
Talking about Mandarin, I tried writing some stuff in Mandarin these few days. For each and everytime I wrote in Mandarin, I will close my eyes and dump the piece of paper away. Wanna know why? Not because I don't know how to write or have no inspiration to write, but rather my handwriting ( for Mandarin only FYI ) is horrigible, terrigible and vegetable. It's cakar ayam ( chicken clawing .. what the.. lol ).. serious.. for 5 years I never wrote much in Mandarin, if I need to take Mandarin again, I bet I will be penalized for having the most hideous handwriting ever. So terrible. I have no problem typing though, since the characters are always so pretty and look so square and straight. (^^)
Guess I have to start practicing my writing now, just in case Japanese class is full. But everyone needs a strategy if they wanna survive. I cannot risk taking mandarin with hideous handwriting, although I doubt I can survive either in Japanese class, because languages are not easy to learn, and the exams might just make me go bonkers. NVM, I bet with loads of hardowrk, I will be able to get through.
So, my strategy to be able to get into Japanese class and be a proud student there is to have a special weapon, the ultimate weapon. What is that??
In my case, it is more like who is that?? haha.. MY FATHER!! OOsh... LOL!!
HOw can my father be my ultimate weapon to ensure that I will be able to be the first 25 students for that class?? Simple.. since my dad has a very flexible schedule of his own, and he is never in a rush to anywhere, I will just have my father carry the form and pass it to the office by 8.30am sharp!! Wahaha... while students who want to take the subject are still in class, my form is already in the Office.. Well, if nothing else goes wrong that is.. haha.. or else, well.. Mandarin, here I *reluctantly, hesitantly, mumblingly, angrily, disappointedly* come...
Haha... till now, everything in Uni is not going very well, but I do hope that things will get better in time. I am going to discipline myself to do my very very best and be a top student this time round. I believe that I can. Must have confidence. (^^)
Alright, gtg now... Take care peeps..
Signing off..
Signed off...
Nissan vs Murtabak Stall
Anyway, after the orientation, everybody being extremely tired and hoping to get home as soon as possible, Joel and I realised that there was a pasar malam ( night market ) where the car was parked. Lol... I immediately snapped, only to remember that every Tuesday that particular road is for pasar malam. So hoping and hoping that the car was no blocked, it eventually turned out to be blocked. And we can't do anything since the stall is a murtabak stall which has started its business and cooking.
What to do?? I had to call my dad to pick us up instead, and Joel will have to get his car later in the night. Haha... The power of Murtabak Stall that can stop a car! Whoosh...
Now we learnt our lesson, always know when there is pasar malam, we don't want history to repeat again, do we?? (^^)
Early in the Morning
What am I doing up so early?
Today is orientation day!! Today will be the first day I will meet with new people within my new course of study. The old are gone, and the new is going to come. I am kinda nervous, I would say, as it would be so different this time round, after spending a year with the same people in my foundation in science.
I wonder how are my friends doing in Kampar and Setapak? I am sure they will enjoy themselves in their new campus.
Waking up so early in the morning is such a struggle for me this time, because for 3 weeks I woke up around afternoon. Now to wake up at 6.15 am, that is ridiculous. Thank goodness I chose what I want to wear the night before, so I do not have to wake up earlier to find myself changing set by set, shirt by shirt, pants by pants, skirt by skirt. Whoosh.. though I still look funny, but at least, still presentable.
I wonder what color will my T-shirt be this time? No green please, got that before. Lol.. Hope some other nicer colors. And what kind fo file?? No pocket file please, maybe the same as the previous time. And I might be getting some problem when taking photos for the student ID. Aihz.. Forget about those... Thinking too much. Haha... Think of what to eat is better..
Old Town ?? It's been quite a long time since the last time I went there.. MAybe I can go today, hopefully my friend wanna join me. He's ma driver... haha.. (^^)
Anyway, just a simple update about what will be going on today, and well.. Hope I enjoy it!! Yawn...
Take care everyone... Peace..
It's been a real boring for me, the fact that there is nothing much for me to do now. But lately, I bought myself a new book. Let me talk a little about it here.
Well, this book is about a TV host, here name is Lu Yu, a lady from China. If you have Astro, you will be able to view her talk show there. Her talk show is one of my favorite, other than Oprah Winfrey ( which happens to be her favorite too... cool! )
Anyway, the book was about her whole experience and how it all started for her to adopt a style very much like Oprah's and how it became a success. But what is most important around it was the perseverance and determination. I was reading it yesterday night, and I have this feeling of tremendous discomfort lying deep withing my heart, and I was asking myself why.
The basic reason was I do not know if one day I will be able to make it happen for myself. I am still in the midst of building my confidence to trust myself, and to tell myself that I am capable. well, I can never be perfect, but yet, I hope that one day I can make my own history and be the benchmark within my own industry that I lay my life in. Gonna stop about the book right here, cause the others are still on its way, still reading in other sense.
I finally got back my SE phone, after so many months. Gosh... But finally, and all thanks to my mum!! (^^) I gave my mum a sum of money and told her that she could buy anything she wanted, cause if I buy, probably it would not be the thing that she wants. So I gave her the money, and she ended up getting the phone back for me, and above all that, she actually chip in a sum in order to pay it off. So touched!! I love you mummy!! Well, I don't really say this, cause action speak louder than words. Muahaha... at night we went for a scrumptious dinner at the restaurant and laughed our heads off at home while watching a DVD.
老师嫁老大 ( Ah Long pt. ltd ) !!!
What else did I do during the hols??
Ahh... I watched the movies which I never got the chance to watch last year due to busyness. So I watched ' Secret ', and another one was ' Kung Fu dunk '..
Let's talk about ' Secret ' first.. This show depicts the story of a pair of lovers from music school. You might think that they are just normal lovers, but in actual fact, they are not. Haha... Hmm... think about it, should I tell you or should I not tell you.. Well, it's been so long ago, no problem telling. This story is a bit interesting in the fact that halfway through the show, it became a little bit like ghost story already. Haha... but the story evolves around 2 people who are from a different time falling in love with one another.. illogical?? Totally! And the illogical thing happened because the girl( who has asthma ) found a music score hidden below the old grand piano she was practicing on. And as she was playing the music on the old piano ( it only happens when you play it on the old piano in the old piano room ), she brought herself into the future and there she met the guy whom she fell in love with. But things got a little confusing around here and there and it drove me a bit nuts. Haha.. but I think, I repeat, I think, that the first person she sees will be the only person who can see her.Other than that, she is invisible. (^^) Interesting hah?? People thought she was crazy to be able to travel into the future and they thought she has mental illness, but eventually, the father of the young man knew the truth but it was too late. The young man who learnt the song from the girl went back to the old piano room ( it was being broken down at that time, they are replacing the block with a new one ), and played the song there while the machines are tearing down the building. Very very nervous that time. His father was running his way to get his son, but too late ....... !!!! The young man pressed the key for the last note and at that same time, the big metal ball ( the one which they use when they wanna bang the building and make it come crashing down... you know?? you know ??? ) came in and knocked everything away. But haha!! The young man is in the past liao, with the girl, and so you see his face in the old photos... COOL!! How I wish I can do that, but cheh.. last time TV black and white one.. not nice.. haha.. but the story went a bit fast, and a bit confusing at times. (^^) Can't tell you everything, because I am very long breath ( 长气 = chang qi = chiong hei ). Lol.. go and find the DVD and watch la.. haha... (^^) I particularly like the piano challenge part. Whoosh.. very nice..
Now, 'Kung Fu Dunk'. Quite an idiotic but nice show at the same time. Where on earth does basketball tournaments allow people to fight and kick and kung fu around one?? Only in this show... HAha... but it was quite a comedy, though not all the time. (^^) Hong Kong actors work together with Taiwan actors, very interesting. Suddenly Cantonese, suddenly Mandarin.. So weird.. Anyway, it talks about a young man who was abandoned since young near a basketball court, who has the best aim on earth.. So it means that he can shoot a basketball into the net each and everytime. ( don't sound right, but you know what I mean la ... ) How I wish I have that ability, then everytime throw rubbish or anything, no need to get up.. Haha.. And he becam a big star before he found out that he is the son of a rich man, very very rich man. (^^) haha. this one I can't tell much, cause you have to watch la.. If you want to, but the kung fu and basketball thing is so so... speechless.. Kungfu on a basketball court.. fantasy???? Haha...
Anyways, I watched these few shows, and laughed a few rounds, and played more than 1500 rounds of Freecell, with my eyes almost popping out like goldfish.. That's all I have been doing during the hols. Hehe... (^^) Meaningless?? yea...
Nothing much to write, have orientation next tuesday, and my friends are leaving to Kampar tomorrow. Sad...
Alright.. wrote too much, I shall stop now.. Tata..